Saturday, April 18, 2009

Whatchyou talkin' about Willis?

Hi! I'm Leslie and i'm a Blackberry addict. 

From the moment i wake up until the time i'm forced to click the "manage connections" key to turn off my phone, i'm simply obsessed with what's going on in the world around me. I can check emails from 3 different accounts, update my FB status, check on my blog, and even manage to call my husband every once in a while. But the phone seems so obsolete when you can text that you've made "last minute" dinner plans with the girls in lieu of leftovers.

I'm clearly a fan of technology but have also fell victim to the side effects of mixed messages, insincere apologies, and conversations that should've been 1 on 1 rather than thru a wireless connection. We live in a world where meeting face to face is nearing extinction and the trap of being lost in translation references more than just a Scarlet Johansen movie. Reading between the lines without a certified code breaker can be a dangerous sport and i don't endorse the product. And while my crackberry serves as a touchstone to people like Perez Hilton and Anderson Cooper, i've made a conscious effort to keep the messages simple and show you the real me over cocktails. Do you speak in tongues or a foreign language? Is vague your middle name? Do tell...