Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Walking on sunshine...

My recent FB tirade with postal undertones got the attention of a lot of family and friends inquiring about the state of my mental health, who the culprits were, and whether yoga really is a viable method for tranquility. After a few days of cooling down and letting go, i found that being pissed off at the world just aint what it used to be. Once upon a time, i was a struggling single teen-age mother trying to raise a daughter and finish my education. I was the product of a broken home with limited guidance and rules that were subject to my own interpretation. I was passionate about NOT becoming a statistic and became staunchly protective over my family and most especially, my reputation. I had fought vehemently to overcome circumstances that most normal 19 year olds could never understand. But, that was a long time ago and the battle is over. I won that fight with determination and faith and have prospered ever since. 

So the question is...when all your battles have been won, what's left to fight about? Surprisingly, my life has unfolded to be as imperfectly perfect as i am. I've grown to accept my many failures and successes and with the love of family and friends, a roof over my head, dreams yet to be fulfilled, and a bucket list of things to do...who has time to be pissed off anymore? With the threat of the unknown just a heartbeat away or the reality that time stops for no one, i've made the conscious effort to no longer commiserate with misery or insist that the glass is half freaking empty. The truth is, the real tug of war is between living a life of genuine happiness or one filled with despair. Which side are you on? 

with love, this is dedicated to my old friend, LD and his eternal smile. God bless.

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