Sunday, May 10, 2009


The first time i held my daughter in my arms- i was convinced there was going to be an instant Kodak moment or at the least, a Hallmark card in the making. I anticipated an instant connection and for my internal mom-o-meter to kick in. All the months of waiting and 60 pound weight gain that killed my girlish figure had me anxiously envisioning this moment of euphoria. The nurse brought in my 6 pound 1 oz little girl and without fanfare or gush of emotion- i officially became a mother. In one of the most serene moments of my life, i held her close and prayed for the kind of strength, resilience, and unconditional love that my mom had given me. And just like that...i traded my youth for the adventures of motherhood.  

Nearly 17 years later, it's been nothing short of amazing to see what nurturing can do for a child. And while our first moments together lacked the tears of joy i me when i tell you that they've come since, especially in the teen age years! But, i wouldn't change a thing and feel eternally blessed for the chance to shape, mold, scream, hug, throw things at, challenge, and evoke a love that knows no boundaries! Happy Mother's day to all you adventure lovers....i hope you've had as much fun as i have! Do tell...

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