So, unless i've got my amazing psych staff ready for a takedown with an ample supply of IM Haldol and Ativan will never hear me dispute what's truth to you. We all have things we need to believe in so who am i to rain on your parade? When people come to me for advice- i size them up for how much of the truth they can handle and take it from there. What i've found works best with psychotic patients works just as well with friends and that is...a polite smile and an encouraging nod go a long way!!! What's your best advice? Do tell...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Help wanted...
Psych nursing has taught me an invaluable lesson that i not only apply to delusional schizoaffective patients but to the people i surround myself with everyday like my family, co-workers, and friends. And that golden nugget of information is this.....NEVER tell a crazy person that they're crazy. More times than not- you'll probably ensue some sort of violent reaction or cause further emotional breakdown just by stating the obvious. Trust me, refuting the fact that an 83 year old pineapple farmer from Molokai is not President Obama's step brother from Kenya- only puts you in harms way. Just like telling your 40 year old girlfriend that indeed, her married boyfriend is only using her for a booty call lends to the demise of your friendship. The fact is, the truth hurts....
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The first time i held my daughter in my arms- i was convinced there was going to be an instant Kodak moment or at the least, a Hallmark card in the making. I anticipated an instant connection and for my internal mom-o-meter to kick in. All the months of waiting and 60 pound weight gain that killed my girlish figure had me anxiously envisioning this moment of euphoria. The nurse brought in my 6 pound 1 oz little girl and without fanfare or gush of emotion- i officially became a mother. In one of the most serene moments of my life, i held her close and prayed for the kind of strength, resilience, and unconditional love that my mom had given me. And just like that...i traded my youth for the adventures of motherhood.
Nearly 17 years later, it's been nothing short of amazing to see what nurturing can do for a child. And while our first moments together lacked the tears of joy i me when i tell you that they've come since, especially in the teen age years! But, i wouldn't change a thing and feel eternally blessed for the chance to shape, mold, scream, hug, throw things at, challenge, and evoke a love that knows no boundaries! Happy Mother's day to all you adventure lovers....i hope you've had as much fun as i have! Do tell...
Monday, May 4, 2009
L'eggo My Ego
These days when a confidence boost is in order, i find myself stumped on who, what, or where to turn. The trick with getting older is the ability to know your hand before you play it. When i want brutal honesty- I check in with my husband. If i need tough love, I put a call into my brother. And when feeling faint- I call on my girlfriends who indulge me with half truths and a shared love for alcoholic beverages. And yes, I've been to church, written sticky notes on my mirror, and even worked on a psych unit with schizophrenics who make me appreciative of the little sanity i do possess.
After much consideration, it occurred to me that an unhealthy balance of running on fumes and irregular maintenance to my ego has led to comparisons with the mentally ill and reaching far too often for the Grey Goose. Although seeking advice provides a sense of instant gratification, it's gotten me thinking about whose voice i should really be paying attention to, and that's mine. In fact, what i'm hearing right now is that monthly facials are mandatory and a weekend getaway to the Four Seasons Maui is a must . Oh and one more thing, there's nothing wrong with a little vodka. What's your voice saying? Do tell...
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